× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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On 9/24/2013 10:30 AM, RPGLIST wrote:
I suppose it could be broken down into that Buck, the only problem is I
need to process the data in its entirety and send back a response in 10
seconds. That isn't something that I can change. Its a hard requirement.

The old 4317 8.58GB 10k RPM SCSI disk drive can handle 80MB/s.
http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces/pdfs/ga195486.pdf page 423. Newer
drives are faster. This is raw speed of course and the workload on the
machine will make your actual wall clock response time vary, but writing
a hundred records - even really wide ones - to disk sounds easy to do in
a second or two.

If this were my problem, I'd be most worried about the network speed;
both the adapter card in your machine and the actual internet connexion.

If your testing shows inconsistent processing times you can set aside a
storage pool to run this critical process in.

If you could get your trading partner to send you a test file or provide
a URL for you to wget, you could mock up the read process pretty quickly
and get a sense for the actual performance of your system.

On 9/24/2013 9:52 AM, RPGLIST wrote:
In looking at the data a second time, if the customer sends us a full
of data along with the max number of stops, I can get up to 12,000 bytes
99 lines or 1.2 mb of data.

It sounds to me as though you could model these transactions as a
database file with a record length of 12k and holding up to 99 records
for a given 'transaction ID'. Would something like this be your
processing cycle:

1) Read 12k of data (XML / JSON / Plain Old Text)
2) Parse into individual fields
3) Store in a DB2 table
4) Repeat until all data received
5) Process the entire transaction, making business decisions
6) Formulate a reply and send it.

If so, the very largest 'atom' of data would be about 12k - well within
the RPG limits for character variables. I myself often over-think
things; I'm not seeing the problem with your scenario vis à vis RPG

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