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If you use a change management system (like Aldon) and a system documentation tool like Hawkeye changing physical files, recreating based on logicals, and recompiling all programs using the file set can be done automatically. The amount of time required is based on the number of programs but it is a much better approach that taking a chance turning off the level check parameter. You are talking about corrupting your database's integrity if you willy nilly turn off level checking.
Bill Erhardt

On Nov 1, 2012, at 12:46 PM, Charles Wilt <charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:06 PM, dale janus <dalejanus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

This method seems a little too complicated for our little shop. Yes,
this would work, but it is the equivalent amount of work as compiling all
the programs. Maybe if we had started that way from the beginning, it
would be more practical.

This is sort of the same method as not using level checks. The programs
that do not use the new fields continue to run merrily along via their
logicals, blissfully unaware that new fields have been added.

It's not really complicated...as you basically cut&paste everything...

The only real effort is checking to make sure the new objects format level
IDs match the existing. Even that can be done quickly with a DSPFD

A lot less work than recompiling, especially if you consider the time to
test the recompiled programs.

Additionally, the work only needs be done once for any given file. From
that point forward, you can add fields without doing anything.

Lastly, the difference between this method and LVLCHK(*NO) is that this
method is much safer. If you screw it up, you'll simply get a level check.

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