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This is very rough and untested, but it looks like you need a
subprocedure like this:

p FindValue b

d pi 9 4
d InValue 10A
d InString 100A

d Posn s 5i 0
d ValueEq s 10A

ValueEq = InValue + '=';

Posn = %Scan(InString: Value2);

If Posn = 0;
Return 0;
Return %Dec(InString: Posn + 1: %Check(InString:
Posn+1:'0123456789') - 1);


Then you can do:

Number = FindValue(Code: String);

Trevor Briggs
Lincare, Inc.
(727) 431-1246
-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jeff Crosby
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2012 12:56 PM
To: RPG programming on the IBM i / System i
Subject: Extract some numeric fields from a string

Given a 60 character string that looks like this (and there will be
trailing blanks):


How would I extract the numeric data behind one of these character
interludes into a decimal field?

For example, one time I may want to know what's behind the "M=", another
time what's behind the "AS=", etc.

Wanting to know what's behind the "M=" means I want the value (in this
instance) of 21.7700 put into a decimal field.

Wanting to know what's behind the "AS=" means I want the value (in this
instance) of 19.93 put into a decimal field.

At one time or another I will want to know any one of the 6 "fields" in
that string. The fields are optional in the string, ie, the "CB=" may
be there, in which case I want that field to default to 0.

V7R1. I have the SQL Development Kit if there is some slick way with
to get one or all of these fields out of the string in one fell swoop.

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