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On 28 Jun 2012 11:14, John Yeung wrote:
The link you provided says nothing about disk storage. It just says
"internal representation", which, given the trouble IBM has gone to
maintain the illusion of formatted dates, doesn't necessarily imply

Sorry, there were supposed to be two links, each with some quoted text. I somehow lost the second link in my reply, and what remained was the quoted text from that second\lost link. Presumably something went awry while I was looking for and intending to paste the drill-down text; the drill-down text is not presented for the page served by the second link.

IBM i 7.1 Information Center -> Database -> Reference -> SQL reference -> Language elements -> Data types -> Datetime values
"... The internal representation of a date is a string of 4 bytes that contains an integer. The integer (called the Scaliger number) represents the date. ..."

_Date, Time, and Timestamps_
"External Data Formats

For support of date, time, and timestamp, the external data format that is used is a character string. Associated with this character string will be a data definitional attribute list (DDAT) that describes all the attributes of the string. ...

Data Definitions

Date data type. The internal format is a 4 byte binary value. The DDAT number must reference a DDAT with an internal DATE format code or be set to zero which implies internal format. The internal format is fixed length, trailing blanks are NOT allowed.

Time data type. The internal format is six numbers packed into a three byte value. There is no sign nibble. The DDAT number must reference a DDAT with an internal TIME format code or be set to zero which implies internal format. The internal format is fixed length, trailing blanks are NOT allowed.

Timestamp data type. The internal format of a Timestamp is a ten byte composite value. The composite is two numbers: one for date and time respectfully. The date and time numbers have the same encoding as the date and time data types, with an exception to the time number. The time number has an additional 3 bytes for a six packed digit microsecond value. ...

System internal format
Date - 4 byte binary Scaliger number ... "

.. I have just done some experimentation which corroborates the idea
that date fields are just 4 bytes on disk, but I'm confused why IBM
would be so adamant about hiding this. For packed and binary
fields, IBM is happy to have the "field length" and "buffer length"
be mismatched, with the latter showing the actual number of bytes
used. Why not do the same for dates? Would it not be simpler to
implement, as well as more informative to people using DSPFD, DSPFFD,
DSPPFM, etc.?

The buffer-length reflects the amount of data received by the program from the database; i.e. the layout of the data available to the program, in order that the program[mer] knows where the [starting position and ending position of the] data for each field resides relative within the buffer. The Packed DECIMAL [BCD] data is compact in storage and remains compact in the buffer; i.e. the buffer-length matches the internal storage length. The DATE data is compact in a 4-byte binary internally in storage *but* the actual value copied into the buffer of the program is the formatted character string value. Thus the DSPFFD showing the illicit buffer length, so the program[mer] knows the physical layout of the data in the program, regardless that the value vitiates the [perception that the] buffer length reflects the length for the internal storage of the value.

That implementation reflects some decisions that were made to allow the HLLs to implement DATE data type support with a lesser impact than if implemented in some other possible ways; and at the time, IMO an unfortunate choice. I had hoped that the /datetime/ types would be implemented much like BCD [Binary Coded Decimal] value, as an effective Binary Coded Date value, whereby an "edit" instruction was applied to value to get the /formatted/ character string representation of the Date Value.

I owned the DSPPFM code and wanted to implement the visibility to the internal data, the four byte integer, but in order to be consistent with the buffer-length as presented by DSPFFD, the decision was made to present the external form [and thus suffer negative consequences; i.e. values that can not be converted to a decipherable character string will cause an I\O error :-( ] Better to debase the apparent equivalence between internal storage length and buffer length than to obfuscate the correlation between the buffer layout between DSPFFD, the actual HLL buffer [for READ\WRITE], and ruler\scale line on DSPPFM.

Regards, Chuck

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