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Hi Craig,

If the tooling (WSDL2RPG or IWS) isn't working, you might try generating the XML yourself, and sending/receiving with HTTPAPI.

Tools like WSDL2RPG (either IBM's, or Thomas's) generate the XML document for you, which makes your job easier (because you don't need to code it yourself.)

But, I've found it's relatively simple to run the WSDL through SoapUI, and then copy/paste the XML into an RPG program. Then just send that. Sure, you have to handle the XML yourself, but:

1) You know what it should look like (thanks to SoapUI)

2) You can make things work (even where tools that do the XML for you fail.)

I see Charles already posted a link to my article about it. Also, FWIW, I already mentioned to Rob that we'd try to help you if you sent your WSDL file.


On 1/24/2012 1:38 PM, craigs@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

I have some XML documents required to be sent via Web Services given the
WSDL and the HTTPS URL. The WSDL was given to us by the customer and I
have heard others have already gone live exchanging XML. I have the XML
generated and ready to send to the customer via Web Services. I know that
I first need to create the service program from the WSDL. I tried the
newest IBM i-WS web services client using the wsdl2rpg.sh command. IBM
said, "This WSDL defines complex types that extend other complex types
which is not supported."
http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/iws/limitations.html Currently,
IBM is checking with development if this issue needs to be addressed. I
then tried the newest version of the WSDL2RPG from the Tools400 site with
the newest HTTPAPI. The program blows up and I tried to debug it to the
function for user reference types. My head is swimming now. I don't know
what software or platform the other suppliers used to consume web services
but I'm looking for other options now. I think I can e-mail the WSDL to a
select few if desired. The deadline is getting rather short so I am hoping
to find something in existence.

Does anyone have ideas or experience with other alternative software?


Craig Strong

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