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"get the system name to form the domain part of the sender address"

They are just using it to build something to use in the email - apparently they have a tight coupling of these items and trust it. Right or wrong? Maybe now they'll know about that API.

Scott Klement wrote:

What the heck does the system name from either QWCRNETA or QWCRSSTS have to do with e-mail? Are you confusing the system name with the TCP/IP domain name?

To get the domain name for e-mail, you should use the gethostname() API documented here:


On 2/15/2010 12:12 AM, Jonathan Ball wrote:
In fact, this particular application doesn't have a compelling need for
speed. It's something from some shareware/freeware called TOOLKIT400, and
it's an e-mail application that usually runs in batch, once per job. The
program calls the API to get the system name to form the domain part of
the sender address. The call to QWCRNETA (vs QWCRSSTS) is actually much
faster. A call to the mail send program can hang up for four to seven or
eight seconds while it makes the call to QWCRSSTS, which doesn't even
return the name (on this partition). The call to QWCRNETA is virtually
instantaneous, and it always returns the name.

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