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I'm going through the article series "RPG to the Web", the basis of which
was to use RPG/SQL to return data to a variety of front-ends. The RPGs are
registered as SQL external stored procedures that return result sets to
calling programs which format and present the data in 5250, HTML, etc.

My understanding from reading the Redbook is that the 'DYNAMIC RESULT SETS
x' keyword should be included in the 'CREATE PROCEDURE' command so the
calling program knows to expect returned data from the called procedure.
This value is stored in the qsys2.sysroutines table. The examples in the
article do not use that keyword, but the examples work nonetheless.

My question is: in the examples, how does the calling routine know to
expect a result set? Does the CRTSQLRPGI update or override the value in


Many thanks, JK

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