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Hi Scott,

Thanks for responding.
<<Does this seem overly complex and confusing? Wouldn't it be more
convenient if overrides only affected the one program they're issued in?
Wouldn't that make things much less complex? Then USE ACTIVATION GROUPS!>>

This seems like the way to go and I'm willing to learn, but I've got pretty much no experience with this.
If I give you a bit more detail, could you give me some recommendations or pointers on how to apply activation groups to my scenario?

RPGPGM1 is a never ending program that runs in SBS Qbatch. It calls RPGPGM2 a few times throughout the day right now, but the number of calls to RPGPGM2 is going to increase significantly. RPGPGM2 does turn on LR before it ends. If I'm giving too much or too little detail I apologize.

Should I compile each program with their own activation group, or should I compile RPGPGM1 with its own activation group and then RPGPGM2 with *NEW as its activation group.

I had thought that if RPGPGM2 was compiled with it's own activation group that I would have to add code to RCLACTGRP in RPGPGM1 to destroy that activation group when RPGPGM2 ended, and that if I used *new the activation group would be destroyed automatically. Am I correctly understanding the concept?



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