× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Jerry Adams wrote:
However, it keeps barfing with a Windows dialog box titled "RUNDLL" with the message: "Error in URL Missing entry: FILEPROTOCOL HANDLER".I ran debug over it and the &URL field is initialized.

The error message says "FILEPROTOCOL HANDLER", but the actual name of the function is "FileProtocolHandler". There shouldn't be a space in the name. And the name is case-sensitive, so "FILEPROTOCOLHANDLER" is not the same thing as "FileProtocolHandler".

Other people have e-mailed this problem to me, and in their case, the problem was a copy/paste problem. They copy/pasted the code, but they had their editor (SEU) configured to only allow uppercase input. This caused the name to get translated from "FileProtocolHandler" to "FILEPROTOCOLHANDLER", causing the problem.

I could also see how a copy/paste could end up accidentally inserting a space before the word "HANDLER" as your example shows, that would also make sense.

But, the code you posted looks correct. So I'm a little befuddled. Is that actually the code you're using?! How is it being translated to uppercase, then? How is the extra space being inserted between "Protocol" and "Handler"? Something weird is going on...

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