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My programming skills would be greatly diminished also if I did not have
these forums and other online resources also. I can't imagine doing my job
without Internet resources anymore.

The responses so far jogged a memory of a similar application I had to do at
a job 9 years ago. Every year in January the personel department would post
what the company holidays would be for the coming year. We would get a
similar list from ACH which is the check clearing agency in the U.S. - or
"cheque" clearing since you are in Canada :) (I know, I lived there 6.5
years and am a dual citizen). I would then put all these dates into one file
and get payroll to sign off on it. Then I would run a program that would
generate a file of all valid dates in the upcoming year. We had to have this
for direct deposit purposes since our data had to be in 2 days before the
deposit date. I then had another program that would print out the year in
order with what day of the week it was under a column of each day. This gave
me a visual confirmation of the correctness of my dates and I would have
payroll sign off on that also - I didn't want any mistakes when it came to
payroll!! They would use this printout to determine when the payroll
processing had to be done by and my file forced in the correct date that we
sent to ACH.

If I still had something like this I would post it but alas I am not there
anymore. Now I am more careful to regularly back up all my own specialty
programs so I have a copy if I change jobs.


Many thanks for all your responses.  The consensus seems to create a
calendar.  I have not done this before so will read up on it.

By the way, Blair, my programming stills aren't as good as the products
Timex sells, hence the date question.  At least it wasn't a TIME


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