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On 12/12/06, Kurt Anderson <kjanderson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for everyone's input.

Right now when I have a constant I try to either make it all caps and
use an underscore between words, or I do something like LBL_OrderNum
(which could contain a screen label).  The idea of prefixing with a
lower case c is appealing to me.  Possibly the g as well for globals.

I know the use of global variables should be limited, and normally they
are.  If it's a good day my only globals are logic control of the main
(which could arguably have no logic control) and RRNs.

the downside of not using globals is there is a steep learning curve
for someone else having to work on your code.  I put variables in
control block like structs and pass those structs from proc to proc.
Makes sense to me but others have looked at it and said it was too
complicated.  Why pass the customer number from proc to proc when a
well labeled global does the same thing.


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