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From the RPGIV manual:

"... With an externally described file that has a key in descending order,
*HIVAL positions the file so that the first read operation retrieves the
first record in the file (the record with the highest key), and *LOVAL
positions the file so that a READP operation retrieves the last record in
the file (the record with the lowest key). ..."


We haven't seen the file description, but perhaps this is the programmers
solution for finding the last record in the file? 
Booth Martin
-------Original Message-------
From: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Date: 08/15/05 02:06:25
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: RE: Readp statement wait indefinitely
How can that ever do anything other than wait for a record to be inserted?
You are setting the pointer at the first record in the file then asking it
to read the one before that which cannot at that time exist! Or am I not
understanding this?
-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Nanda Kishore Nemani
Sent: 15 August 2005 02:11
To: rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Readp statement wait indefinitely
Hi All,
I need some assistance in understanding the concept of how ReadP statment
works.   I see the following set of statments in one of our RPGLE programs:
*Loval          SetLL           File1
                   ReadP(E)     File1
The above ReadP statement is simply waiting for infinite time till a record
is inserted into File1.       I expected a BOF or EOF condition.     I would
like to know on what conditions a ReadP statement waits for a record to be
inserted and in what condition just returns "No Record Found" condition.
Please help me in understanding this concepts.
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