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>         *************** Beginning of data 
> ***************************************************************************************
> 0001.00      A                                      REF(RECNOTES)             
>                041119
> 0002.00      A          R RECSFL                    SFL                       
>                041119
> 0003.00      A            NOTES         75A     4  1                          
>                041119
>         ****************** End of data 
> ******************************************************************************************

A few things come to mind:

a) A subfile requires more than just defining a field.  It needs to know
    things like how many records can be put into the sfl, how many of
    them fit on the page, when the subfile is to be displayed or not
    displayed, etc. This requires you to create a "subfile control
    record" and specify all of these attributes.

b) You don't want to start this field in column 1! When you create a field
    in a display file, a special character is always inserted before that
    field. This character tells the 5250 terminal how the field is to be
    displayed... it contains bits for "reverse image" "high intensity"
    "underline" and the various other display attributes that you can
    request.  If you start your field in column 1, then the display
    attribute will be placed on the PREVIOUS LINE.  That means that each
    subfile record will take up two lines on the screen -- and I'm sure
    that wasn't what you intended to do!

c) I don't understand why you have REF() at the top of the DDS source
    when you haven't referenced it anywhere.

If you implement these 3 suggestions, you end up with code like the

     A          R RECSFL                    SFL
     A            NOTES         75A     4  2
     A          R RECSFLCTL                 SFLCTL(RECSFL)
     A                                      SFLSIZ(200)
     A                                      SFLPAG(20)
     A                                      SFLDSPCTL
     A                                      SFLDSP

In your RPG program, you'll write data to the RECSFL record to add the
data to the subfile, and you'll use EXFMT RECSFLCTL to display the

Have fun...

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