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If I compile and run the following program:

     FCUSTMAS   IF   E           K DISK

     D CUSTDS        E DS                  ExtName(CUSTMAS)

     c     8800          chain     CUSTMAS
       ... do something with the fields in CUSTMAS here...

When I'm in debug, I can just do an "eval CUSTDS" and it shows all of the
fields in the CUSTMAS file.   This compiles with no errors on my system
(Though, obviously you need to have the CUSTMAS file)

I don't understand why your code won't compile or work, you seem to be
doing the exact same thing?

Can you please explain why yours doesn't compile?   You say the fields are
defined somewhere else in your program, but I don't understand that
statement -- you're using an externally defined file!  How can the
definitions not be the same?

Or, do you mean that the fields are being used in other data structures?

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Peter Vidal wrote:

> I have looked around for this one:
> I need a way to load a record from a file:
> FMPSSum    uf a e           k disk
> Into a data structure (maybe something like this):
> D MPSDs         e ds                  extname(MPSSum)
> So when I do debug, I can see all field values by saying EVAL MPSDS for 
> example.
> The problem is that the compiler is not allowing me to do this because the 
> field
> names are already defined.  Of course, I have the fields all "spreaded" in the
> calculations and then I write/update the record.  "However, I need to debug 
> the
> data and I want to be able to see it all and not by individual EVAL commands.
> I have the impression that I read, maybe in the list, that is possible to 
> import
> data from a record into a specific data structure.

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