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First a bit of detail. 
Lawson has their own program for printing POs. I didn't want to modify that
program, so I basically made an exit program that will create the PO how we
want it. Lawson's batch programs have interactive and batch pieces and I
don't know where interactive begins and ends. There is WAY too much code to
decipher. So... in my exit program, I need to know what POs to process, so I
take a copy of their work file and I use that to get all of the POs I have
to process. I thought I would put this in QTEMP with an override so that I
can have more than one running at a time. Well, somehow that override isn't
taking. When more than PO is in a jobq at a time, one company will get
another companies information. (Which obviously isn't good). This is the CL
program I run before I open my file:



             CPYF       FROMFILE(CUPPO120) TOFILE(QTEMP/CUPPO120) +


             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF2817)


             CLRPFM     FILE(QTEMP/CUPPO120)

             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000)

             CLRPFM     FILE(LAWMOD7/CUPPO120)

             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000)



QTEMP is towards the bottom of my Libl, could that cause a problem? Is there
a better way to handle this? I can't change the file, but I can create
different members, could this be a solution? I hope this is enough detail. I
am looking for suggestions.


Mike Wills
Lawson Programmer/Administrator
Taylor Corporation
Email: mnwills AT taylorcorpNOSPAM DOT com
AIM: iSeriesCodePoet

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