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Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back!   I never said I didn't 
understand the code, I just said eventually something I did fixed the program 
and I really didn't get to take the time to really figure out which change 
corrected the problem.

In any case , thank you for the input, it is always helpful.  

 Ext. 3107

-----Original Message-----
From: Buck Calabro [mailto:Buck.Calabro@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 10:53 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: RE: Programming a trigger audit in ILE

>I mean, if the offsets are the only way to 
>go, then why don't the buffer example just have one big field 
>that contains the old/new record values and tell you to use 
>the offsets to determine the starting and ending points, 
>rather than show individual fields?  

That technique works.  You do not need pointers to use offsets.  You can
describe the record as a giant array and use an array index as the offset.
Or you can go nuts and use substring.  The idea is the same: use the
"offset" values given in the trigger buffer to locate the record, and DON'T
ASSUME that the record data always starts in the same place in the trigger

>Thanks for the input, as I know I have more work to do. I was 
>just curious if there was an actual reason why I needed to 
>input the extra field when it wasn't illustrated in any 
>documented examples.

Sounds like you are looking at less than stellar examples.

>How many times have we fixed a program, and then not 
>really understood why or how we fixed it??  

In my case, never.  If I don't understand the code then I don't put it into
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