× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

FWIW, I also get the HTTPSHandler ImportError outside of Litmis Spaces.
After doing some initial checking it appears the perzl openssl might be
conflicting (or wiped out) the SC1 openssl symbolic links. I am not sure
of that yet.

*>(A huge step would be to install ibm_db and itoolkit.)*

Both should be installed on Litmis Spaces. Run the following command to
see: ls -all /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/OPS/Python-pkgs

Also, we can expect some extra effort in these initial stages of adopting
open source on IBM i**. The key is ~documenting~ our progress so the next
person doesn't have to go through the same hoops. Documenting can happen
in many locations (stackoverflow.com, github gists, blogs, wikis, etc).
Also, feel free to make a new Python page at the following link to document
resolutions: https://bitbucket.org/ibmi/opensource/wiki/Home

**Yeah, yeah, I know we've had open source on IBM i since Apache in the
90's, but it's new all over again with 5733OPS.

This is good collaboration. Let's keep it going.

Aaron Bartell
litmis.com - Services for open source on IBM i

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 7:26 PM, John Yeung <gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx>

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Bill Gravelle <starbg@ibmi.rocks> wrote:

What version(s) of Python do you have installed? Is this from the IBM
5733OPS Option 2 (Python 3.x) or 4 (Python 2.x)? Or is it another
version? Are you doing this installation work into a chroot’d environment?

Hm. I would have thought, based on another thread ("Re: Resources to
Learn beginner Learning in RPG"), that he's trying this on Litmis,
which has 57733OPS Option 2.

But I have recently opened a Python space on Litmis as well, and I
can't even get as far as he did. For me, any attempt to use pip (to
install any package) results in

[last part of traceback only]
line 6
6, in <module>
from urllib.request import (urlopen, urlretrieve, Request,
ImportError: cannot import name 'HTTPSHandler'

However, I also signed up for pub400.com (currently also only Option
2), and over there, I have successfully installed XlsxWriter, xlrd,
and Bottle (all pure Python, no C compilation involved) using pip
inside a venv.

I tried installing ibm_db (which does have a C component) the same
way, and it failed with

[last part of traceback only]
line 1185, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error A failure in the SSL library
occurred (_ssl.c:600)>

So, these new offerings are definitely rough around the edges. Both
very cool, but currently not in great shape to leverage both Python
and the i simultaneously. (A huge step would be to install ibm_db and

Relevant links, particularly for Holger and Aaron:



Honestly, I don't understand why flipflop and bottle were released as
PTFs for Option 2 (since they are trivially installable with pip), and
perhaps that is why these are not PTFs for Option 4.

John Y.
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