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Tom Liotta wrote:

http://code.midrange.com/bdaa9cf4d1.html if
anyone cares to refer to it.

VALUES INTO isn't working in REXX. Further, it apparently never has
worked. Further, it's not judged to be a trivial fix. And since not many
people use REXX, the current decision is to change the documentation, if
possible for 6.1 (on-line, apparently) but definitely for [next release].

I'm not surprised to hear that IBM think it's too expensive to fix for
the two of us who use it. They need to justify their expenses like the
rest of us. I myself am a backward SQLer, and have never tried VALUES

I agree with Chuck - have IBM open an APAR. I probably will forget this
conversation in a year and go looking for a PTF. At least I'll see the
APAR and know someone reported it. I'd report it myself but I haven't
got access to that sort of naked power. It'd be awesome if IBM would
schedule work on it, but even if the official answer is that they bag
this fix, the APAR will help me remember why.

As an administrative note, if anyone wants to run Tom's code snippet,
either use STRREXPRC ... CMDENV(*EXECSQL) or add this line:
address '*EXECSQL'
before this line:
PRVDATE = '0001-01-01'

There's one other annoying thing about ReXX. STRREXPRC wants a lock
level on the source member that doesn't allow you to keep the procedure
open in an editing session while you run it.

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