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Hey didn't you guys read that thing....
It said it the database was "hidden" so we are okay right..... (hee hee)

Raise your hand if you have NOT resorted to some quick & dirty access
queries to check something off the wall....

Oracle must have priced themselves out of it (hee hee)

Now, how can this be worse than paper that might or might not be marked, it
is so unclear? what was all that confusion about anyway....

They should use open source and compile a unique copy with the officials in
the office.
Standing rules, where no two are alike and no one knows how to access it.
All stored data is encrypted by this unknown key.
How about this too:
A web application that updates these 2 SSL secured databases in local and
"vendors HQ"
at pull lever time, if the checksums match they are valid. Citizen gets an
approval code.
He can always use this number for inquiry (like at Visa)
At total time and any later challenge time, the checksums still better
match, or vendor in trouble.
I should be able to check on the internet (and public libraries or post
office kiosks) to see that my vote was counted.

Either that or implant barcodes in our foreheads....(not funny)

Heck, they should call me. Maybe a book to write about this....

Seriously, You have got to like the idea that you can verify that your vote
actually was counted.
We never really have known that, it's been a trust basis.
And we all know what that means, its likely that at least one of your votes
never made it to the right pile.

Mark Villa in Charleston SC

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