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That CR2450 is one honking big button cell. No wonder some of the pictures look like a double holder. 24mm wide x 5.0mm thick.

Bought a wrist-strap (I must have taken the one I already have home) at Micro Center, and a CR2450 at Staples. Didn't have to spend a dime: I had a gift card from Micro Center, the change from an exchange last year, that gave me $3 back in change, and I had $7 in rewards coupons, a penny more than the cost of the CR2450.

Had to do some creative maneuvering to get the old one (which looks like it's begun to leak a bit, and you can barely read the markings) out, and the new one in.

It took its own sweet time before the LCD lit up, but it's IPLing now, and once again, it switched to Attended mode, having forgotten the time and date.

Thanks, all. And *is* there now another kind of 170? (If so, I would think the fact that this box is on V5, and our "slim" 170 is on V4, would be a clue: I can't imagine anything new enough for me not to have heard of it being *capable* of running an OS that old.)


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