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Just what it says on the tin:

Our V5 box (the "fat" 170) has been sitting, unplugged, since it refused to power up after a power outage back in November.

Before beginning a process of stripping it for parts, I decided to plug it in and see what happened.

I heard something, and by the time I pulled my upper body out from behind it, the LCD had come to life, albeit displaying nonsense. (Why does that sound familiar, and why didn't I *write down* the nonsense this time?)

I cycled through the various front-panel settings, and settled on the B-side, Normal mode, hit the start-button, and turned on the two terminals connected to it.

It began to IPL, albeit in Attended mode, and it had completely forgotten the date and time.

The IPL ran to completion, and soon enough, it dropped me at a command line, with a highlighted QSYSOPR message indicating a problem (but I was unable to *find* the problem), even using SST.

I did a GO POWER 4, and it re-IPL'd, unattended, and now shows no indication that anything was ever wrong with it.

Anybody have any thoughts?


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