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On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 12:38 PM Rob Berendt
<robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think you have that backwards. He's starting with a LF, not a PF. I got
tired of trying to attack that JSON BASED_ON_FILES

I don't think it's backwards at all. BASED_ON_FILES is exactly what
Justin was looking for.

As far as "attacking" it (i.e. parsing out what you need from it), it
sounds like you're trying to cram everything into one SQL statement.
It's not that bad if you allow yourself to break up the task into
pieces, especially if you're using a suitable host language (leading
candidates would be Python or Node.js, but RPG would be fine, and I'm
guessing the SQL procedural language too).

For those who've suggested using DSPFD with TYPE(*ACCPTH)
OUTPUT(*OUTFILE), I tried this, and I think you will run into problems
if the logicals you're interested in are joins. As far as I can tell,
TYPE(*MBR) is a more reliable way to get the desired information. This
was the first of Vern's two initial suggestions.

John Y.

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