× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

You have said it is very rare that they fail so that suggests identifying
anything specific abut the times they fail.

How are these jobs initiated, are they run by a user when needed or
submitted from a scheduler every so often or are the always active and
monitoring for a new request.

I would suggest that only manual submit by different users could cause a
library list issue.

I would check if there could be any other processes running at the same
time as the failure, like backups, that could lock the library/object and
thus cause the failure.

Others have suggested ways to check if the library list is actually being

Good luck


From: "Shane Reeves" <SReeves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/10/2023 01:31 AM
Subject: Library List of Data Queue Jobs
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Our system has several subsystem/jobs that support the integration between
our ERP and EDI systems the sending/receiving of EDI. In extremely rare
cases they fail with an error, and I've determined its because the library
for the EDI software is getting removed from the library list of the job.
What I don't understand is how or why the library is getting removed. I'm
assuming some program is causing it, but the multitude of programs these
jobs run would take forever to review individually.

I also generally need to get the jobs restarted and fixed immediately to
support company/customer demands.

I'm wondering if there is any suggestions how best to capture when the
library list changes. I'm not sure how detailed the job log would be with
regards to that. If that is the best option, is there a way to dump that
quickly to a file to review since I need to end/start the job so quickly?


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