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On 9/26/2023 3:49 PM, Howie, Bill wrote:

This question may have been asked a thousand times here on the list. Is there a native way to embed printer file compile options within the printer file source so that one doesn't always have to look at the current printer file object to see how it was compiled and then match that? It would be SO much simpler. Thanks for any info!

The definition of 'native' is a matter for discussion, but some ideas:

Create a CL program for each *PRTF which handles the DLT/CRTPRTF with the proper options. One possible implementation is to put them in a separate library, named the same as the *PRTF.

You could drive this with a single *CMD front end that runs your own specific commands by creating the appropriate one and feeding it to QCMDEXC. This would more or less automate PDM and RDi compilation.

If you use RDi, the excellent iSphere plugin has a STRPREPRC command that will allow you to embed parameters into the source itself, and create the appropriate CRTPRTF command at compile-time.
He also has a standalone version: http://www.tools400.de/English/english.html

Scott Klement has a tool he calls BUILD which does the same thing: https://www.scottklement.com/build/

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