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I agree, program should check to see if there is a value in QSTRUPPGM
system value, and
use that for start up. of course this needs some more work to end the
subsystems in a more gentle fashion.

On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 1:55 PM <dr2@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Where does it think you're running this from? And what if you're in a
sbs that gets ended? And are you sure you want *ALL sbs's started?? vs
just calling qstruppgm?

On 2023-07-21 14:37, Jerry Draper wrote:

ChatGPT: "Write a program in the IBM CL programming language to end all
subsystems then wait one hour and start them again."


IBM CL (Control Language) is the control language used on IBM iSeries
(formerly AS/400) systems. To end all subsystems, wait for an hour, and
then start them again, you can create a simple CL program with the
following commands:


/* Your CL program to end all subsystems, wait, and start them again */

/* End all subsystems */

/* Wait for an hour (3600 seconds) */

/* Start all subsystems */
STRTUSRSBS SBSD(QSYS/QSPL) /* Start the system printer subsystem first,
if needed */

Please note that executing the ENDSBS command with the *IMMED option
will end all active subsystems immediately, potentially terminating running
jobs without warning. Make sure to consider the impact of ending all
subsystems before running this program in a production environment.

To create and run this CL program, follow these steps:

Sign on to your IBM iSeries system with an account that has authority to
run CL commands.
Use a text editor to create a new source member. Save it with a .CLLE
extension (e.g., MYCLPROGRAM.CLLE).
Place the above CL code into the source member and save it.
Open a command line on your system and execute the following commands:


Replace MYLIB with the name of the library where you want to create the

Keep in mind that this program assumes you have the appropriate
authority to end and start subsystems on your IBM iSeries system. Always
exercise caution when performing system-level tasks. It's recommended to
test this program in a non-production environment before running it in a
live system.


Jerry Draper, Trilobyte Software Systems, since 1976
IBM I, Network, and Connectivity Specialists, LAN/WAN/VPN
Representing WinTronix, Synapse, HiT, and others .....
(415) 457-3431 . www.trilosoft.com [1]

[1] http://www.trilosoft.com
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