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My main question is why limit yourself to that DD Device?

With the cost of a couple LTO tapes it would seem that DUPTAP to a physical LTO has many advantages.

a) Cost. The tapes are cheap and you can make 2 (they are small!) or 3 or 5...

b) Space. They are small and you can store one in several places and easily move them.

c) Energy. Sitting on a shelf an LTO tape uses about as little energy as possible, maybe even zero. It can sit there a long time at zero. The DD Device is going to be sucking KW and pouring out heat the whole time.

d) KNOWLEDGE. If you 'make the call' "I need to recover a system from LTO4 to hardware POWER7 or older. HELP!" you will get many to help. If you call out "I Need to restore from DD to a POWER7 or older." You will find vastly less help.

e) KNOWLEDGE (2). Who's going to remember the name of that tape in the DD Long Term?

I don't like it myself.
- L

On 9/30/2021 6:00 AM, Jack Kingsley wrote:
I have a situation where I need to store a full system save in long term
storage using BRMS as the save solution and an EMC DD as the hardware of
choice. The LIC is aged and I know it would only boot on power7 and a
couple of power8 models. With knowing this and all the requirements
associated to something like this, has anyone else ever done anything like
this and if so what solution did you go with. Assume the data needs to be
readily available for like 1-7 years where you could unwrap a system and
boot from it. Maybe including the full save, save the libraries that you
want for that durational period of time and restore them to a different
system running on power9 or 10.

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