× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Justin Dearing <zippy1981@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If we ever meet in real life I'll buy you [Vern] a drink as a finders
fee, if you can tell me this one thing. How do I display a library
in [RPG Next Gen Editor]. It has the same problem as miworkplace.
I can't seem to add libraries to it.

Interesting. You apparently knew about MiWorkplace already, but not
RPG Next Gen Editor? MiWorkplace is the direct successor to RPG Next
Gen Editor, same developer and everything. Both of their respective
Web sites makes direct reference to the other one. MiWorkplace is a
commercial product, but seems to be very reasonably priced (roughly 30
USD if I'm reading it right).

Now, I have to imagine these products can be made to work well enough
to support a productive workflow. I tried RPG Next Gen Editor myself
briefly a few times, and I came away with generally positive feelings
about it. But I never stuck with it long enough to develop a rhythm.
It's tough to break free from PDM/SEU when (1) you have a lot of
muscle memory built up and can accomplish things very easily and
quickly with it, and (2) almost none of the code base you are working
on utilizes free form.

Since you're not in my situation, I believe you will be able to find a
way to get "comfortable enough" with one of Mihael Schmidt's editors.

That said, let me just throw in another idea for transferring files
back and forth between your local machine and the IBM i: ODBC (or
JDBC). A source physical file on the i is just another table. You do
have to do a little aliasing to get to the members, but writing a
little script to take a PC text file and write it to a source member,
or vice versa, shouldn't be much trouble for you (I've used Python for
this). You still have to use other tools for "browsing", but this is
one way to sidestep the FTP transfer issues.

John Y.

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