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I am having an issue all of a sudden where one of my PHP applications seems
to have switched to system naming for SQL statements.

I need to try and track down when system naming is getting turned on. I
have started passing in the 'i5_naming' option when I connect and it
doesn't seem to fix the issue, so I need to verify that option is not
getting changed after the initial connection is made. If it is not being
changed, I am going to have to open a trouble ticket with Zend.

I cannot figure out how to get connection information out of DB2. None of
the PHP db2 functions that retrieve information seem to tell me what naming
scheme is being use, and I cannot find an SQL statement to pull any of the
connection options, just statements to set them.

Is there a way to pull SQL connection information so I can check when
system naming is getting turned on? I cannot seem to get db2_get_option to
work for i5_naming. It keeps returning "false" which means the call

I'd prefer to get the information using a PHP function (for consistency),
but I'll pull it using an SQL statement if I have to.

I'd hate using a test statement like "select * from qsys2/sysdummy1", but
it is the only option I have at the moment. It just feels like I am
probably missing something.

FYI...I am using persistent connections.


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