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All good points.

It just seems that many people seem to want to wait until "they have to".
I initially got that impression with your first comment about how long
Windows 7 was supposed to be supported. I've seen way too much "I'll
upgrade when they peel my cold dead hands from what I'm currently using".

One big difference between upgrading IBM i and upgrading OS's on laptops
is that today's users are getting pretty savvy. They sometimes drive the
upgrades versus IBM i developers and administrators encouraging upgrading
of IBM i. Look at how many people start reporting issues on their iPhones
shortly after new iPhones come out.

Personally, I've not seen Windows 10 and I can't intelligently point out
any of the new features and why one should jump on the band wagon.

I contend that Windows OS in the first six months after release is
bleeding edge.
Maybe, maybe not. Don't they normally have a long beta program? I
suspect a lot of IBM i shops feel that upgrading to IBM i within the first
few months is also bleeding edge. But that too has a reasonable alpha,
and a beta, program. Yet look at all the people still only upgrading to
IBM i 7.1. And 7.2 has been out in production for quite some time now.
Sometimes I suspect that it's because it's the bare minimum they can
upgrade to with 6.1 EOS coming up quickly on 9/30/2015.
Sure, there may be other reasons. Like that's the maximum they can run on
their old box, or some of the hardware within that box.

Rob Berendt

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