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we do now own seats of RDi...
how did others answer these questions:

1) why should we reward IBM when they used a bait-and-switch to get us
to buy the tools (WDSC,code/400 was "free")

2) why should we pay for IBM's IDE, for you old RPG green-screen programmers... our PHP, js, html programmers just love their free

On 8/7/2014 1:01 PM, Buck Calabro wrote:
On 8/7/2014 1:06 PM, Jon Paris wrote:
I think you can make the argument Buck that given the filtering and outline capabilities that someone who is only doing investigate work could benefit even more from RDi than a developer.

The more I respond to this thread, the more I think I'm not the right
person anyone should listen to. I wasn't pushed to RDi by management,
persuaded by marketing, jeered by colleagues or lured by magazine
articles written by industry leaders.

I'd used other editors (TECO and Emacs at least) before I used SEU and I
always thought SEU was... thin. I always wanted something better. My
first go was with Brief, and I spent quite some time at home writing
extensions I could syntax check with, etc. When we had to get an OS/2
machine for a specific business app, I was able to get a copy of
Code/400 and immediately fell in love with it - especially Rexx macros
and regular expressions. Two more reasons I think I'm the wrong person
for this thread.

When I see a company spend many hundreds of thousands on software
packages and then state that $4k is too much to spend on the software
support people, it's almost always because the software group isn't
interested in what that $4k is for. Additionally, I've personally seen
a form of premature optimisation at work - the developers themselves
look at the price tag and think that management wouldn't spring for it.
And they themselves decide not to make the request of management.

It just seems like a chicken and egg problem to me. Until midrange
programmers are exposed to other editors, they just don't realise what
they're missing. And because they're at the stage where good enough
seems to be working, there's no demand for anything better.

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