× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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We have a web service on a customer box, an RPG program called from IWS, that recently started acting up, and I barely remember anything about it from two years ago, when I wrote the damned thing.

IWS seems to be throwing this (the names have been changed to protect the innocent):

{"java.lang.RuntimeException: Invocation of program failed.\nAS400Message (ID: CEE9901 text: Application error. RNX1216 unmonitored by FOOBAR at statement 0001000001, instruction X'0000'.):com.ibm.as400.access.AS400Message@6d4c6d4c\n"}

Looking at what RNX1216 is, I see that it's a generic RPG runtime message for file problems, ". . . received the message <blank> while performing an implicit <blank> operation on file <blank> . . ."

I don't see a statement 0001000001 in the latest compilation listing for the program, but I do see a 1000001 in the far right column of the compilation listing, attached to the first field of the first file declared in the program.

I offered a wild hunch that it's not finding the file, because of some library list problem. Could that be it? Any other suggestions? Anybody remember where to look for joblogs on these things?


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