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Darryl - I think you are almost there but are blocked by a non-issue. You don't run the command for each file, you run it for each program and add to the output. The result you can query by file name - the data is there, right? You can get *FILE, *PGM, *DTAARA, and *SRVPGM for RPGLE and CLLE - a change there can result in a need to change & recompile the program using the objects.

I find an easy way to get a cross-reference would be to use PDM - create a user option that uses DSPPGMREF against the object in WRKOBJPDM - use F17 to filter for only programs and service programs. Use the OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) option of DSPPGMREF with OUTMBR(*FIRST *ADD)


On 11/23/2012 2:15 PM, DeLong, Eric wrote:
Do you have Hawkeye or any similar cross-reference tools on your box? Hawkeye has a nice "mass compile" tool.

Otherwise, building the DSPPGMREF table is your best option. The xref table only needs to be built once, then can be used to query out each object that you need to perform the mass-compiles for...

-Eric DeLong

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Darryl Freinkel
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 2:13 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Is there a command to display programs that use a file?

I need to be able to list all programs that use a physical or logical file.

I could use the DSPPGMREF command to an out file and then search that file.
This is not exactly what I want to do and am trying to find a command or
alternate method to get the programs that use a file or other object. I do
not want to have to use DSPPGMREF for every file.

I need to recompile programs that use particular file.


Darryl Freinkel | Assignment 400 Group, Inc.

Tel: 770.321.8562 ext 111 | Fax 770.321.8562

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