× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I completely agree with your statement, except that the OP was talking
about a system operator. Their main job focus should be the system.

Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
06/22/2012 10:35 AM
Re: i Access take Windows focus
Sent by:

We have people who say "Oh, I just GOT to have my messages in break mode!"

Then, after the first few interrupts while performing data entry they
start a second session and never bring that other session into the
foreground. If I got beeped for every one of these messages:
Log version QHST12174P in QSYS closed and should be saved.
Log version QHST12174Q in QSYS closed and should be saved.
Job 213782/ADOPT/SYSASP submitted for job schedule entry SYSASP number
Job 213782/ADOPT/SYSASP completed normally on 06/22/12 at 09:00:00.
Log version QHST12174R in QSYS closed and should be saved.
Job message queue for 208043/QUSER/QZRCSRVS has been wrapped.
Log version QHST12174S in QSYS closed and should be saved.
Job 213558/TROYM/GDL177S5 held by user TROYM with option SPLFILE(*NO).
Job 213558/TROYM/GDL177S5 released by user TROYM.
Job message queue for 213558/TROYM/GDL177S5 has been wrapped.
Job message queue for 213558/TROYM/GDL177S5 has been wrapped.
Log version QHST12174T in QSYS closed and should be saved.
I'd go nuts. Offer to purchase Messenger Plus and route messages you need

to answer to your email, and messages she needs to answer to her's, and
ashcan the rest.

Let's say you get your original request working and it starts popping that

other window into the foreground. Why would that be any less disruptive
than trying to perform data entry on a session that keeps going into break

mode? Your reply: "But Rob, what if she's working in Word typing up a
memo in full screen mode? Foreground would get attention." True, but I'm

a 10 finger typist who doesn't stare at the screen. Constantly getting
interrupted because QHST wants a save would honk me off. Beware of what
you ask for. I have tones set up for email. I even have my lotus notes
pop up a little screen (on my second screen). Neither interrupts what I
am typing on. Well, maybe the distraction could mentally interfere...

Rob Berendt

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