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Well, V5R3 QSQLMSG for message ID QSQL0518 says, "Prepared statement &1 not
found," and in my experience it is not used for a number of errors; it's
used for one. That one error is pretty self-explanatory, indicating either
that the PREPARE failed (or was skipped) or that there's a misspelling

I see that you have a cursor and a prepared SQL statement that share the
same name. This might be OK, but it's something that I usually avoid.

Shouldn't your PREPARE precede your DECLARE? This statement implies that
SQLRRN is already "defined" but it won't be until after its successor
statement has been seen:
DECLARE SQLRRN scroll cursor for SQLRRN

But if that's the issue then you won't get past the compiler. So I guess
I'd start with the job log. What's in the job log that may be of help?
Which line number (from the joblog, not from this review) receives the
SQL0518 error (that'll be in the log), and what is the name of the prepared
statement that is not found? Let's start there.

If that stuff is not in the joblog, make sure your logging level is 4 0

And then try it again. It might also be good to do in DEBUG mode since that
will put more information in the joblog, but in this case I would expect
that to be unnecessary.

This doesn't look like something that needs a PREPARE/EXECUTE combination.
Have you tried without?

Dennis Lovelady
Flashlight: (n) A case for holding dead batteries.

This error is used for a number of errors by IBM and I cannot find a
specific error code indicating the problem.

Select RRN(A1) from OEDTL01P A1 right outer join AA0000219 B1 on
B1.LORD and A1.ODLINE = B1.LLINE where RRN(B1) = 55243

Here is the code:

Exec Sql Declare SQLRRN scroll cursor for SQLRRN;
Exec Sql Prepare SQLRRN from :SqlRRNPrep;

If SqlCod < 0;
ErrorStatus = '1003';
p1SqlCmd = sqlRRNPrep;
logACTerr ('1003' : SqlCod : p1SqlCmd );
ReturnCode = *off ;// Failed
Return ReturnCode;
Exec Sql Execute SQLRRN ;
If SqlCod < 0;
ErrorStatus = '1004';

I get error 1004 with SqlCod = -518.

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