× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Thanks Charles - I had not seen these before. They remind me a bit of the old WSG exits.

They would require application modification in order to work, and they could also be easily spoofed by an application that wanted to pose as your application. Still, if your application did monitor for these values it would keep out generic Excel and Word ODBC calls, and that is some value.


On May 27, 2010, at 5:56 AM, Charles Wilt wrote:

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 6:08 AM, John Earl <john.earl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
If I understand your question correctly, then the answer is,
unfortunately, no. There is no way for the IBM i side Exit Program to
know anything about which client side program initiated a remote SQL
access attempt. The i side just knows that it received a remote SQL
request, it can see the SQL string along with some basic identifying
information about he job on the i (User name, etc.). The i side exit
program can also find other information on the i about the job such as
IP address, group profile membership, LMTCPB status, etc, but there is
nothing in the data string passed that would identify any information
about the client side program that launched the request in the first

Actually, that's not quite true anymore...

With 6.1, IBM added some special registers,:

Granted you have to modify your client applications to pass the values
along, but you could do so then restrict the activities allowed by
connections, such as those from Excel, that have blanks for the
current values.

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