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I'd be willing to take a look at it. This has been so low on my radar as to be nearly non-existent because I am a single developer shop at the moment. I'd like to have a one stop shopping experience for both my MyEclipse Java development and my RDp stuff. If we could get an SVN client that worked smoothly and similarly with RPG/CL source files it would simplify the whole process for me. Write, compile, commit. The biggest thing for me, even in a single person shop like mine, is rolling back to earlier releases and tracking what has changed. I can always look at "local history" in Eclipse but having some documentation about *what* I did and why would be nice.

The only thing is that git is getting some traction and with the Ruby projects I participate in, they have pretty much abandoned svn for git. That breaks my "one stop shopping" paradigm but at least there is an Eclipse plugin for git.

I don't know how much I can contribute since my needs are relatively modest but I'd be willing to kick the tires a bit.


On 5/14/2010 8:55 AM, Richard Schoen wrote:
Yeah, I'll check out the SVN properties as an option, but I would also
like to allow the iSeries developer to be able to control as much as
possible from the source member itself and source code headers seem to
be a nice solution for that.

So why would I even need the "I" project mechanism ?

Here's one possibility:
If I can check out via Tortoise or Subclipse I can open the files
locally on my PC without remote systems explorer.

Theoretically with access to the SVN repository directly from both
WDSC/RDP/RDI and PDM/SEU on the green screen, remote systems explorer
may only be needed for the iSeries integration for compilation and
builds if they are triggered from RDI.

So far there seems to be no takers on getting involved in this project
so it will most likely toddle along as I can find spare time which is
rare between running a software company and raising two 3yr olds :-)

I would be happy to host a design session on Gotomeeting or Gotowebinar
if anyone is interested in contributing to the high level design process
for this.

Even though there are other open source code mgmt platforms out there,
SVN seems to be quite good for our usage so my focus will be around SVN
since that's where we will be moving towards for source control.

Richard Schoen
RJS Software Systems Inc.
Where Information Meets Innovation
Document Management, Workflow, Report Delivery, Forms and Business
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Web Site: http://www.rjssoftware.com
Tel: (952) 736-5800
Fax: (952) 736-5801
Toll Free: (888) RJSSOFT

message: 1
date: Fri, 14 May 2010 15:40:00 +0200
from: Arco Simonse<arco400@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Subversion and RPG source change management

That's a good starting point. An option to save the sourcemember text is
to use SVN properties. This is the recommended SVN way to register
metadata of files.
However there would still be a problem when you want to checkout
directly from an SVN repository to i Projects in RDP / RDI / WDSC. I
think that it would not be possible to support both, due to differences
in handling of the metadata.

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