× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


IBM should enhance RPGIV to support "collections", like maps and lists.

Anyone saying RPG is a "business language" must be kidding if typical "business" functions to manipulate, sort, filter and select data is completely missing and the developer has to resort to primitive structures like arrays, and calling qsort().

If we have support for collections it's easy to sort and filter data and put it in a subfile.

It would be a bad idea (but very ala RPG) to add 10 or 20 functions specifically for manipulating subfile data (like sorting on one column) etc instead of some well thought-out and more generic constructs.

Instead, we have to something like this:

D Address 87a Dim(100) Ascend
D Street1 30a Overlay(Address)
D Street2 30a Overlay(Address:*Next)
D City 20a Overlay(Address:*Next)
D State 2a Overlay(Address:*Next)
D Zip 5a Overlay(Address:*Next)

D noLoaded S 10i 0

SortA %SubArr(City:1:NoLoaded); // Sort into City sequence

SortA %SubArr(State:1:NoLoaded); // Sort in State sequence
And all this is just to sort an array on one column.


Everyone is complaining about the AS/400 not being so popular...

I give you three reasons:

1- the developers
2- the developers
3- the developers

Blinded by the fact that *YES* the OS is marvelous,

but the ecosystem to support application development is horrible.

Why are most AS400 apps still green-screen?
Because... we can

I predict that in 10 years, or even 20 years, most AS400 apps are *still* green screen.
Just less apps...

Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2009 08:23:48 -0600
From: jim.oberholtzer@xxxxxxxxxx
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Would it be a reasonable to ask IBM's programmers to, write a %sortsfl(sfl: column)


Jon Paris said:
IBM (if there is an ounce of sense left in their bodies) are not going
to add features to an obsolete technology when all modern interfaces
offer data grids etc. which achieve this much more easily and with
complete User control.


Having lurked on this thread a bit I have to agree with Jon. Why do anything to the 5250 data stream at all? Subfiles are a creature of the System/38 lineage and while they are a fabulous tool they are outmoded except in a 5250 environment. I would rather IBM spend its resources developing APIs that allow the developer to build the view in what ever technology that makes sense for that application be it a browser, PDA, or other semi intelligent device. There are much better technologies available to use than 5250 in today's world.

The larger question here is one of application design. Keep the data
access, control functions, and view functions separate (MVC) and then it
does not matter what the view is in. Besides between Jon, Susan, Paul,
and Scott, and others there have been plenty of examples of how to
accomplish the task.

Jim Oberholtzer, MSE
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects -- LLC

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