× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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POI is a Java project that allows you to create, write, update and do just about anything with a spreadsheet. Scott Klement, and others have done some work to show you how to wrap those Java api's with RPG and then create spreadsheets directly from RPG. It takes some work, but it works well. If you Google on Scott Klement and POI, you should find plenty of resources. This is one of them: http://www.scottklement.com/presentations/#RPGHSSF

I think Sharon had good counsel: If Sequel can do a calc, which she seems to think it can, you should look at the Sequel docs and see if you can get some pointers there.


Jeff Wilson wrote:
What is POI? I tried XML and it didn't work. HTML did, but these are going to users that will want an XLS extension, so I was hoping to do it that way. I am 99% there, but just need to click inside that cell to get the formula result to show up instead of the formula. I was hoping that there was a control character or something I could do in SQL to get it to come down correctly.

From: Charles Wilt <charles.wilt@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 3:12:49 PM
Subject: Re: AS400 file with formulas into Excel

I second the idea that CSV isn't going to work.

As Pete says, POI is one option. Another is outputting .XML


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Pete Helgren<Pete@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are you outputting to a CSV file? Or are you writing to a POI
interface? If it is the latter, I'd have to see some code to understand
how you are writing to the cell. If it is the former, to my knowledge
there isn't any way to write a formula to a cvs file that get
"interpreted" into a formula.


Jeff Wilson wrote:
I can create a file in SQL that has formulas in it (i.e. '=A1*B1') and I can send them to my PC and open them in Excel 2002. However, the formulas are showing instead of the results. If I click inside the cell and hit Enter, I get the value instead of the formula. BUT, I want this automated and don't want a macro, so I want this to be opened to show the formula result instead of the formula without doing anything. I tried using CAST to a few other types, but that didn't work. It works if I send it as a HTML, but would prefer the xls extension, if possible. Thanks for any thoughts on this.


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