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We have a BRMS group that does an *ALLUSR but invariably there are some objects that are locked and there are some objects on the IFS in QIBM that are also locked (eclipse and univ conn). Thus these are not saved.

We reviewed the job log and are not concerned about any of these particular QSYS or IFS objects. The total number of QSYS objs is 15 and they are data areas related to Robot.

The general job stream running out of Robot Schedule is:

1. end a bunch of jobs, services, and subsystems to eliminate locks
2. run the BRMS Daily group with *ALLUSR
3. start the jobs, services, and subsystems we ended in 1 above


A. Make a CL for the BRMS Daily job and monitor for msg BRM10A1. This is ok but there is no automatic transparency of objects not saved unless we write a script to parse the joblog looking for objects not saved.

B. Mess with the omit objects feature in BRMS to specifically exclude the objects we know are locked. Problem is that this is somewhat tedious and if we miss something then the job fails at 2am and the pager goes off (I like to sleep at night).

C. Use a custom *LIST in BRMS to save all the necessary libraries instead of *ALLUSR. Naw. Don't want to go there. I like the *ALLUSR sweep to get everything including any new libs a pgmr added the other day without us really knowing about it.

How are others handling this? Ideas?


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