I found this hit
Since you're talking about a switch test (we're in the middle of a live
switch test as I type) this old V4 situation might still apply:
Problem Summary:
DDM fails from V4R3 AS/400 System to V4R4 AS/400 system with messages:
CPF4734 return code x'080F6051', CPF9162, CPF4207, and CPF4064 return code
Use the WRKCFGL command, and look for QAPPNRMT on the target system. Find
the entry for the source system. If it is configured for Secure Location
(SEC LOC) *YES, change this to *NO. The DDM application will complete
APPN Support manual, SC41-5407-00
Distributed Data Management manual, SC41-5307-00
Maybe your WRKCFGL needs a little work?
Another resolution password hidden at IBM was:
SNADS Not Working in One Direction
Incident Summary
Problem Summary:
SNADS distributions fail to send out of the distribution queue in one
direction between two iSeries systems. The distribution queue status is
Rty-Wait or Rty-Fail.
Check the SNADS sender job in subsystem QSNADS. The job will have the same
name as the remote location name used in the configuration of the
distribution queue.
A common error is CPF4734:
Message . . . . : Evoke function for file xxxx in library yyyy for device
zzzz rejected.
Cause . . . . . : The remote system has rejected the attempt by your
program to start a program in that system with Systems Network
Architecture (SNA) error code 080F6051 .
If this message is present, look for a corresponding CPF1269 on the target
system. This message indicates the source of the problem. The resolution
will vary, depending on the reason code found in this message.
Remember, don't just rely on google or yahoo - it pays to use the IBM
search window.
Rob Berendt
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