× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Matt

Could you provide a little more in the way of details ?

- What are you trying to run on the iSeries ?
- What is the remote command you are trying to run ?
- What mechanism are you using to invoke the remote command ?

Normally you can set the IASP using the job description of the user that
logs on or connects - for example via ODBC. If you set the Job Description
to specify the IASP then jobs that start should just "get" that IASP

If you are submitting a job you need to set the IASP parameter (sorry I
forget the exact shortname) to say *current or to specify the correct IASO.

Perhaps instead of running the command remotely you could execute a SBMJOB
to run the command and in your submit job command string specify the IASP.

Evan Harris

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tyler, Matt
Sent: Friday, 10 October 2008 5:26 a.m.
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Remote Exection and IASP

To all,

We are in the process of moving to an IASP (Independent
Auxiliary Storage Pool) and Remote execution does not work well with
IASPS. The remote user job is ASP group is set correctly so that all
the libraries we need are available but since we cannot load any IASP
library into the *SYAVAL QUSRLIBL the library list it does not set the
library list up the way we need it.

I am looking for suggestions for work-a-rounds so that we
can automatically have the correct library list set for the remote
connection user. I would like to require as little programming changes
as possible to prevent "forgetting" to perform the needed work to set
the library list. The only command that is needed to make the library
list get set correctly is SETASPGRP. It has two parameters CURLIB() and
USRLIBL() that have a value of *CURUSR, which set the library list up to
the remote connection users JOBD library list.

I have attempted to change the command default on SETASPGRP for those
two to be *CURUSR but the remote execution server uses a lower level
function to perform the ASP group setup.

I also looked at the exit point QIBM_QTMX_SVR_SELECT (REXEC Server
Command Processing Selection). It seems like it might do what I want
but I first cannot get a program to be added to this exit point and
secondly do not know how to tell of the command processor needs to be CL
or QSH. I cannot find more detail about programming for this exit

Any suggestions will be taken in to consideration.

My current direction is to create a command that resides on the target
system that accepts another command. This tool will run SETASPGRP with
the proper settings to set the library list correctly and then run the
other command. This method is not really what I would like to use since
it requires the programmer to remember to use this new tool.

Thanks, Matt

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