× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Jim,

depending on your budget and requirements there might be a really easy solutions you could try. I have implemented similar solutions using RPG and an application server that compiles RPG source code with extended functions into native i5/OS applications that runs as fast as 5250 applications; thus outperforming both Java and CGI applications. And it is really easy to learn and use if you already use ILE RPG (or Cobol).


1) A customer needs to post some XML data (this example is basic XML
   but you could use SOAP messages or whatever you like) to your
2) Your server needs to do some calculation and send back an XML
   response to the customer.

Ad. 1)
The customer have a program (RPG, .Net, C/C++, Java or whatever) that post the following XML syntax to your server using fx. the following URL: http://your-domain-name/webservice/postdata

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <companyname>ACME Corporation</companyname>
                <transaction id="AK3495" />
                <transaction id="AK8448" />
                <transaction id="AK4826" />

Ad. 2)
Your RPG application will do the following:
    a) Parse the XML
    b) Get the company name
    c) Get the number of transactions
    d) Process each transaction
    e) Do some calculation or whatever you like
    f) Send back some XML

And the program to do all of this (please note the ASP-like syntax of mixing standard ILE RPG and XML):


<%@ language="SQLRPGLE" options="COMMIT(*NONE)" %>
D COMPANY       e ds                  prefix (c_)
D TRANSACTIONS  e ds                  prefix (t_)

D XPath           s           1024    varying

D CompanyName     s             10  0
D NumberTransactions...
D                 s             10  0
D i               s             10  0
D ID              s             10  0


SetContentType('text/xml; charset=utf-8');

CompanyName = reqXmlGetValue(
                  '/record/companyname' :
                  'N/A');                    /* Ad. b */

NumberTransactions = num(
                  '/record/transactions/transaction[ubound]' :
              );                             /* Ad. c */

for i = 0 to NumberTransactions - 1;         /* Ad. d */

    XPath = '/record/transactions/transaction[' +
                  %trim(%char(i)) +

    ID = reqXmlGetValue(
              XPath :

    /exec sql
        ... your SQL here ...                /* Ad. e */


/* Ad. f */
%><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <%= CompanyName %>
        <%= %char(NumberTransactions) %>

*inlr = *on;


If anyone needs more information about this specific application server I'll be happy to answer your questions or connect you with the company that created it. You might even get a trial version if you need to test it.

Best regards,

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