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Thanks. I plan to take a look at all of the angles as I get the chance.
Pete Helgren

Wilt, Charles wrote:


Rob touch on the idea, but let me reiterate it.

You can use multi-membered files with SQL.  Using v5r3 partitioned
tabled support, you get the benefits of multi-member files without the

ENDING('2010-01-01') EVERY(1 YEARS))

SQL access methods, including ODBC and JDBC, see a single table but data
is actually stored in multiple members.  I don't know if RPG sees a
single table or if you have to use OVRDBF or the EXTFILE keyword on the

I would create all physical files using SQL DDL.  Since you can't have
an index on a SQL view, you may need DDS logicals for some RPG native
access requirements.  But for most RPG requirements an SQL index works


Charles Wilt
iSeries Systems Administrator / Developer
Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America
ph: 513-573-4343
fax: 513-398-1121

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