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Because on all those other systems the stuff is 'added on' not 'Built In'. Any time the stuff is added on, there is the opportunity to replace or modify the added on components in such a way as to make the the results appear one way but actually be another.

The voting machines themselves would be the simplest possible devices, perhaps even simply dumb GUI terminals.with the type of low cost printers used by bank tellers to print receipts. Cheap Cheap Cheap and nothing to hack. All data and everything but the presentation layer resides on i. As it should be.

- larry

Walden H. Leverich wrote:
In other words what the voter gets out of the voting machine is not simply a reflection of what they put into the machine, rather it's downstream of the actual votes that were posted.

Sounds like a great idea to me... But I've got to ask... Why do you
believe this couldn't be done w/Microsoft? Seems to me to be a design
solution to the problem that could be implemented in any system that
supported transaction logs (and BTW, the only system I know that doesn't
_require_ them is the iSeries).


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