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On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, M. Lazarus wrote:

1) What command is used on the Unix side to export the directory? Is it "export"?

You put the directories you want to export in /etc/exports and then run exportfs. A sample /etc/exports file might look like this:

# See exports(5) for a description.
# This file contains a list of all directories exported to other # computers.
# It is used by rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd.

For more detail you can review the man page for exports (man exports) as suggested in the comments.

2) If the IFS directory is not empty, will its contents get cleared/clobbered?

No, they will simply become inaccessible. Upon umounting the remote directory they will become accessible again.

3) Can you elaborate on the UID mapping between machines?

I haven't worked with this much, but the basics are simple enough. Unix uses user ID numbers and group ID numbers to determine file ownership and permissions. For example, my username is james and my userid is 1000. My group name is users and my groupid is 100. Thus files I own have a userid of 1000 and a groupid of 100. On the iSeries I have the same username, but the userid number is different. Thus to make my files be owned by me on the iSeries I need to map whatever my iSeries userid is to match my unix userid of 1000.

James Rich

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