× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

neat idea. have you seen the "It Exists" video?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Darbonne, Ed" <darbonne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: Legends Alternative (Ed Darbonne)

> If the Al Barsa character was almost "young enough to be in diapers", he
was probably working on a SISTEM XXXVI.  As for myself, I am almost OLD
enough to be in diapers which has only increased my curmudgeonly
perspective.  If the "Legends" ads are an attempt to promote loyalty among
current iSeries customers, and in essence, "sing to the choir"  I'd deem
them a smashing success.  However, If the intent is to bring new customers
to the fold the ads are deplorable.
> Whilst gross overstatement is an important tenant of advertising, the
message you present must be believable at its core.  The "Legends"  setup
tends to invoke the notion of urban legends and destroys the core
credibility of the message.
> If you want to make a case for the iSeries you could show the following:
> A guy is sitting in what appears to be darkened conference room with an
iSeries machine in the middle of a round table.  The camera continually
circles the table while individuals dressed as "clowns" enter the room.
Each clown has a sign that reads "security clown", "high availability
clown",  and three "needs me too clowns",  Each of the characters are
attempting to attach clown garb to the iSeries but it won't stay "stuck".
All the while the boss character remains stone faced.  At this point an IT
fellow walks in and begins a conversation with the boss.  We can't hear him
but each time he makes a point he gently taps the iSeries and a clown leaves
the room.  Each clown, on his way out opens a blind and lets in a little
more light.  As the last clown leaves and the room is bathed in light the
boss and the IT guy begin to laugh.  The tag line reads "No one was laughing
until we sent "OUT" the clowns.
> It may not win an award but it is better than anything I have seen so far.
> Ed
> Email:    darbonne@xxxxxxxxxxx
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