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Suppose a DCR has a ghost of a chance?

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

Sent by: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com
08/15/2002 04:34 PM
Please respond to midrange-l

        To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
        Fax to:
        Subject:        RE: Lovely:  Our 840 12-way is down.

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Oh, it looks as if the spool file drops off after the powerdown and picks
up at the Reclaim Machine Context C900 2810. On our system there was about
24 minutes worth of IPL before we get the "C" SRC codes logged.

*XPF PWRDWN     08/06/02 16:59:49*
*  D900 2750    08/06/02 16:59:53*
*  D900 2760    08/06/02 16:59:53*
*  D900 2770    08/06/02 16:59:54*
*  D900 2780    08/06/02 16:59:55*
*  D900 2790    08/06/02 16:59:55*
*  D900 27C0    08/06/02 16:59:55*
*End PWRDWN     08/06/02 16:59:58*
*XPF IPL        08/06/02 17:23:44*
*  C900 2810    08/06/02 17:23:44*
*  C900 2820    08/06/02 17:23:44*

The Context Rebuild is C600 4053. I wish all of the other steps were
logged as well as this seems to be a
good utility.

Chris Whisonant
IBM Certified Specialist
(803) 326-7270

Sent by: CWHISONANT@InfoAve.Net
08/15/2002 10:05 AM
Please respond to midrange-l

        To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
        Subject:        RE: Lovely:  Our 840 12-way is down.

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I ran CALL QWCCRTEC.  Lots of information in there.  However I know that
context rebuild took
over 67 minutes.  However I don't see a gap near that size in the listing.
In fact, all it shows from the IPL itself are the various C900 codes.
Wasn't the context rebuilds, database, etc something different?

Rob Berendt
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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