× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

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A simple solution is to write out an intermediate work file with a long
alpha sort field.  Load the sort field with the requested sort field values.

For example, user requests sort by CUST, DATE, and INVOICE#.  To load the
sort field, string together the Cust + date + invoice#.  Write the record to
the work file.

Call FMTDTA and print the report.

Old, but it works.

Could also use embedded SQL or OPNQRYF.

To save definitions, set up a report file, one record for each report
request.  Have fields for report ID, title, user name, report copies, outq
name, hold spool file Y/N, record selection criteria, sort order, sub-total
break fields, etc, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Rasch [mailto:drasch@mail.win.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 3:50 PM
To: midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject: Multiple sort option logic

We have a requirement to print multiple variations of an aging
report, giving users 4 different sort groups.  The matrix looks
like about 80 combinations.

The users will have an input screen of some kind to define their
sort definitions.

Right away, I thought OPNQRYF using variables might do the trick.
Ugly IMHO but effective.  Then I wondered aloud if SQL would be a
better avenue.  We almost certainly have partial paths out there,
so we do not start from zero, but then again it could also get ugly.
Also, the ability to save at least a definition (even better, a full
path) would be an attaboy.

Trying to weigh the maintainability versus the performance, and looking
for suggestions.


Dan Rasch - because if the human species concentrated on the really
important things in life, there would be a shortage of fishing poles!
IBM Certified twice....... but still a couple PTFs away from Nirvana.

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