× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

How does this compare to things like Seagull? IIRC, that depended on DDS, too.

OTOH, what did Workstation Gateway do? Not that I want to go to that. <g>

The presentation mentioned that system screens do not get converted.

I'd've thought UIM -> Java would be a natural. UIM is a dynamic screen
handler, you don't explicitly specify locations, as with DDS. Rather, you
tell UIM what to put on the screen and it determines the spacing, etc.
Sounds like a Java layout manager to me.

Someone had to have made the decision not to support UIM. But it is
curious, seeing as almost all IBM's screens are panel groups.

Just looked on our system - in Q* libraries, 283 DSPF, 792 PNLGRP (both
help and screen), 622 menus (UIM type).

At 07:11 PM 4/10/02 +1200, you wrote:
>I haven't done anything with it either yet. My comments regarding panel
>groups reflect my recollections from a WebFacing presentation I attended at
>IBM which as I recall it specifically mentioned UIM as being not eligible
>for conversion. I took note of this as at the time I had been considering
>using UIM for a minor project I was undertaking at the time.
>A quick search of the web reveals a
>that appears to confirm this under the pros and cons
>Since there is no DDS and no display file which is what the web-facing
>tools convert this makes sense to me, although its a bit of a pity.
>My admittedly limited use of panel groups would have led me to believe that
>the vast majority would have been rather simple to convert but there you go.
>Evan Harris
>>I haven't had the chance to test web-facing yet, so I have to
>>take your word for it... but it doesn't seem reasonable.
>>Are you saying that standard IBM menus aren't supported under
>>web-facing? or that many other IBM-supplied panels aren't
>>supported -- standard help text being a major example? I'd been
>>led to believe that many IBM-supplied panels were UIM; but you're
>>saying none of this works under web-facing?
>>I know previously that older offerings such as Graphical Access
>>would support UIM panels as long as the ENBGUI=YES keyword value
>>was specified on the :PNLGRP tag (and one or two minor details
>>were avoided). This was true even when DDS display files were not
>>displayed graphically in the same session.
>>If what you're saying is true, then web-facing must be very
>>different in how it sees the data stream.
>>Tom Liotta
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