× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>From my "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about System Values (but were
afraid to ask)" session that I give at COMMON and elsewhere.

  Name:               QTIME

  Description:        Time of Day

  Length & Type:      Character:   6 (or greater)

  Comments:           The value of QTIME is like a data structure made up
                   from QHOUR, QMINUTE and QSECOND.

                   The DSPSYSVAL and WRKSYSVAL commands display hours,
                   minutes and seconds.

                   The RTVSYSVAL command can retrieve fractions if a

                         Length of
                         CL Character        Meaning
                    |     <6    | Invalid  *                   |
                    |      6    | Hours, minutes, seconds.     |
                    |     7     |Hours, minutes, seconds, and  |
                    |           |tenths of a second.           |
                    |      8    | Hours, minutes, seconds,     |
                    |           | tenths of a second, and      |
                    |           | hundredths of a second.      |
                    |      9    | Hours, minutes, seconds,     |
                    |           | tenths of a second,          |
                    |           | hundredths of a second, and  |
                    |           | thousandths of a second.     |
                    |     >9    | Hours, minutes, seconds,     |
                    |           | tenths of a second,          |
                    |           | hundredths of a second, and  |
                    |           | thousandths of a second      |
                    |           | padded on the right with     |
                    |           | blanks.                      |

                                        The Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL)
                                        command sets milliseconds to zero.

                                        Also changed by "IPL Options"
                     *  Any attempt to retrieve QTIME into a CL variable
                     with less than six characters will result in a CPF1095
                     escape message.

                     Al Barsa, Jr.
                     Barsa Consulting Group, LLC


                     914-251-9406 fax


                    Scott Klement
                    <klemscot@klements.       To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
                    com>                      cc:
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     Re: Can we retrieve 

                    02/14/02 12:47 AM
                    Please respond to

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Rick Rayburn wrote:
> Got a request to capture the time of a transaction in hours, minutes,
> seconds...and, believe it or not...milli-seconds!
> Please don't ask me why...mine is not to ask...etc....

Heh.  I believe it!  Actually, you shouldn't be so surprised, this is
a pretty common question, so it must be a pretty common issue.  I've
answered it a few times already :)

Here's where I posted an example of getting Milliseconds (1/1000th of a

Here's where I posted an example of getting Microseconds (1/1000000 of a

> Anyway to enhance the captured time within an RPG program, API or
> with...milli-seconds?
> I know, I know...
> Thanks for any assistance in this matter!

The millisecond technique could be adapted to RPG/400 (RPG III) as well
if you had the need.

Good luck!

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